Figure 5 - Types of Chimney
Types of Chimneys
The unit must be connected to either a code-approved masonry chimney
with a flue liner, or a 6 inch diameter factory-built chimney complying with
the requirements for Type HT chimneys in the standard UL 103.
The chimney is a vital part of your stove installation. A properly built
masonry chimney or a properly installed factory-built chimney will assure
a consistent draft under a variety of weather conditions (a smoking
stove is usually caused by a chimney problem). The stove flue size is
6 inches diameter, which is approximately 28 square inches minimum.
The maximum flue size should be no more than three (3) times the cross
sectional area of the size of the stove flue collar. In this case, that would
be no larger than an 10-inch diameter stack, or approximately 85 square
inches maximum.
All chimneys must be installed as specified by local building codes and
according to the chimney manufacturer instructions (in the case of
a factory-built chimney). See the chimney manufacturer instructions
for exact specifications. Factory-built chimneys must comply with UL
103HT or ULC S629. A chimney connector shall not pass through an attic
or roof space, closet or similar concealed space, or a floor, or ceiling.
Where passage through a wall, or partition of combustible construction
is desired, the installation shall conform to CAN/CSA-B365, Installation
Code for Solid-Fuel-Burning Appliances and Equipment.
Tile-lined Masonry Chimney
Minimum / Maximum Flue Diameter:
Minimum 6”, Maximum 10”
Chimney Connector Adapter
Use a chimney connector adapter to connect the chimney connector up
to the chimney. The small ends of the chimney connector should all point
down for a drip free installation. Position all seams toward the back for
aesthetics. The chimney connector must be 6-inch diameter.
Secure adjoining sections of chimney connector to each other using three
equally spaced sheet metal screws. Secure the connector pipe to flue
collar using three equally spaced sheet metal screws. DO NOT secure
chimney connector to chimney with screws.
Connection To A Factory-built Chimney
This space heater is to be connected to a factory-built chimney conforming
to CAN / ULC – S629, Standard for 650°C Factory-Built Chimneys. All pipe
connections must be sealed (ie. high temperature silicone).
For Reduced Residential Clearances Using Double Wall Pipe (Approved
for Model CI2000HT Only):
Type L and listed double wall connector pipe is acceptable. Install any fac-
tory-built brand of pipe according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
Vapor Barrier at Chimney Penetration
Install all venting components per the Vent Manufacturers installation
instructions. Ensure that there is an effective vapor barrier at the location
where the chimney penetrates to the exterior of the structure. This can
be accomplished by applying a non-hardening waterproof sealant to the
following components:
• Around the chimney at the point where the storm collar will meet the
chimney just above the Flashing
• Along the vertical seam of the chimney pipe, where it is exposed to
the weather.
• On each nail head on the flashing.
• Around the chimney at the point where the storm collar will meet the
chimney just above the flashing.
• On a flat or tarred and graveled roofs, nail and seal the flat roof flashing
to the roof on all sides with roofing compound.
• Do not put screws through the flashing into the chimney pipe.
Chimney Inspection
Existing chimneys must be inspected before installing your stove. Con-
sult your local building department for chimney code requirements. A
masonry chimney must have a code approved liner. This liner must not
have broken or missing pieces. Some non-code masonry chimneys may
be brought up to code by being relined. (Consult your dealer or qualified
chimney sweep). Factory-built chimneys should also be inspected, first
for creosote deposits (which should be removed), and then for integrity
of the stainless steel liner. Look for obvious bulges in the lining, which
may indicate the need to replace that section (use a bright flashlight).
Also, inspect the attic to see that the chimney has proper clearance to
combustible framing members. For interior masonry chimneys and most
factory-built chimneys, this must be a two (2) inch air space clearance,
which must not be filled with insulation or any other material. An exterior
masonry chimney must have a one (1) inch air space clearance.
Acceptable Connector Pipe For Installations
When Using Single Wall Pipe: Install a six (6) inch diameter, single wall,
24 MSG black steel or 26 MSG blued steel connector pipe on the flue
collar of the unit. When installing pipe, the crimped ends of the pipe
should all point down. Position all seams toward the back for aesthet-
ics. Three (3) pre-drilled holes are provided in the flue collar for fasten-
ing the pipe securely to the stove. Use sheet metal screws to do this.
Additional sections of single wall pipe should be fastened together with
at least three (3) sheet metal screws each section. All pipe connections
must be sealed (ie. high temperature silicone). When connecting to the
factory-built ceiling support package, use the manufacturer’s transition
piece, usually called a dripless connector, to join single wall pipe to their
factory-built chimney section.
When Using Approved Double Wall Pipe (Approved for Model CI2000HT
Type L and listed double wall connector pipe is acceptable. Install any
factory-built brand of pipe according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
All pipe connections must be sealed (ie. high temperature silicone).