Keeping freshly loaded wood away from the window will also
help. Load fresh logs in the rear of the firebox. Build up tends
to occur first on the right side of the window. This is caused
by the swirling motion of the exhaust gases similar to water
running down a drain. Keep fresh logs further back on the
right side of the firebox to help prevent this problem.
Understanding how your Country™ Collection stove works
should help you keep your glass door very clean, but as
stated: no glass door stays perfectly clean. We hope this
information is helpful in keeping your glass door clean so
that you may enjoy many hours viewing your high efficiency
stove. For more information, contact your Lennox Hearth
Products dealer.
oPerating teChniques anD hints
Recent developments in wood-burning technology have
made wood-burning a cleaner and more convenient way to
heat your home. Overall efficiency in a wood-burning ap-
pliance is a combination of combustion efficiency and heat
transfer efficiency. Whether heating your entire home or just
a room or two, your understanding of how to best operate
your stove or insert will enhance its overall efficiency and
performance. What this can mean to you is longer, cleaner
burns, less wood use, and more heat.
getting the most out of your stove
The following sections will outline techniques you can use
to “get the most out of your stove.” Please read them care-
Clean glass
see maintenanCe on Page 15 for glass
Cleaning tiPs
The operator plays an important part in keeping the glass
clean and free of buildups. The first and most important part
the operator plays is making sure to burn only well-seasoned
firewood. Wet wood = Dirty glass. Keeping your glass door
clean is partly accomplished by the air wash system of the
stove, which sends clean, fresh air for combustion, over
the window before it enters the fire. The high temperatures
inside the firebox also keep the glass clean. No stove door
stays perfectly clean. The following are methods for keeping
buildup on your glass to a minimum. When properly installed
and operated by a knowledgeable operator, your glass door
should require very little maintenance. Do not expect to get
extremely long burn times and keep the window perfectly
clean. Cool temperatures cause condensation of unburned
volatiles on the glass. If your glass gets very dirty during
overnight burning, try preheating the stove a little longer
before damping it down for an overnight burn. Also, don’t
damper your stove down as low because you’ll get more
heat for your money by burning a little hotter for a slightly
shorter time.
The air wash system will perform at its best at medium burn
rates. Some stove models will self clean by burning very hot
fires but be sure not to over-fire the stove. If it glows red it
is over-fired. Over-firing a stove also causes the window to
soot up. Extremely hot fires with fresh wood may cause the
flow rate to exceed one foot per second, which is as fast as
a flame can burn. This is why a candle goes out when you
blow on it. Blow on it gently and it burns brightly. Blow on
it hard and it goes out. This will cause excessive exhaust
emissions and your window to soot up, as the stove is un-
able to burn the gases emitted from the wood. Try slowing
the stove down a little by closing the damper somewhat as
it warms up.