7. Place the left log on burner supports with the charred
surface facing up. The left log will only fit on the burner
supports in one direction.
8. Place embers around the perimeter of the burner and
sparingly in field of burner. Do not block air holes on the
briCk panel and log set installation
Caution: If the logs are not properly installed, your stove
will not function correctly.
Parts list: rear log, right log, left log, center log, brick panel
(packaged separately)
1. Remove the logs from the box and carefully unwrap them.
The logs are fragile, so handle them with care.
2. Remove the brick retainer bracket from the upper left
corner inside the stove.
Log Inserts
5. Place rockwool over ports. Rockwool can be placed to
obscure air holes, but do not cover the air holes.
* Fifty percent or less of rockwool supplied should be
used in LP installations. Too much rockwool will result
in tall sooty flames.
6. The right front log (positioned with the black charred
surface toward the front) should be placed on the peg
protruding from the right side of the stove.
Right Log
Left Log
9. Set center log on support with charred surface toward
you and rest against the rear log.
3. Install the brick panel and replace the brick retainer
4. Place the rear log on the back log supports. The charred
surface of the log should face the front.
Figure 8
Figure 9
Figure 10
Figure 11
Figure 12
Figure 13