Your stove has been designed with a catalytic combus-
tor, which will improve the overall efficiency of your
stove. Removing the combustors for cleaning, inspec-
tion and reinstallation should be done at least once a
year. Cleaning the combustors helps reduce buildup of
ash and retarding chemicals. To clean the combustors,
a soft brush, vacuum cleaner, or pipe cleaner may be
used. Another effective cleaning method is to soak the
combustors in a hot cleaning solution of a 50/50 mixture
of white vinegar and distilled water for 30 minutes. Then
rinse by soaking in hot distilled water. After 15 minutes,
remove the combustors from the rinse water and gently
shake out excess water. It is unlikely that your will notice
a visible difference in the combustors after this cleaning
procedure. The combustor units are fragile in compari-
son to the rest of the stove - so handle with care.
Cleaning the combustors once a year, preferably when
your flue system is serviced, is sufficient for most users.
Reinstall the combustor set according to the following
1. Disconnect pipe from stove flue outlet.
2. Looking down into stove flue, remove the bypass-
operating rod and control arm set screws using an
Allen wrench.
3. Remove the 2 bolts that hold the top in place (lo-
cated on the underside center left and right side of
the top). Lift off the stovetop.
4. Remove the catalytic housing by removing the 4
bolts on the underside of the top.
5. The catalytic combustor is now visible under the
stainless steel shield. Although it may be covered
with a light ash, it should be relatively free of ob-
structions in the honeycomb cells.
6. Care should be taken to leave the gasketing in po-
sition when removing catalyst. This gasketing seals
the catalyst.
7. To reinstall, first remove the old stove cement from
the stovetop and top edges (use a wire brush). Re-
seal all gaps, including sides and base with a high
temperature cement or silicone gasket available
from your dealer.
Reinstall the catalyst housing and top. When tightening
down bolts on top, turn only a 1/4 turn and go to the next
bolt being careful not to overtighten as this will strip the