Figure 45A
Inspect Gaskets
Inspect the condition of the rope gasket around the door, window and ash
drawer, periodically, and replace if necessary. Inspect the die-cut gaskets
on the access covers (B and C in Figure 45A) and replace if necessary.
Cleaning the Heat Exchanger
CAUTION: Do not operate the heat exchange scraper when the
stove is hot. Located at the center of the grill on the top front of
the stove is a bent rod that is attached to a scraper on the heat
exchange tubes. To remove ash build-up and maintain efficient
heat extraction from the stove, this rod should be pulled in and
out at least once a week.
Cleaning the Flue Gas Passageways
Cleaning the flue gas passageways should be done at least once a year.
Burning high ash pellets may require this cleaning to be done more often.
Clean these passageways only when the stove and ash are cold - do not
start a fire in the vacuum cleaner by vacuuming up hot ash. On each side
of the stove there are two access covers (see B and C in Figure 47) that
can be removed by unscrewing the two 5/32” allen head screws. Insert
a cleaning brush in the openings to loosen any ash build-up and use an
approved ash vacuum cleaner to remove the loosened ash. Reinstall the
covers when cleaning is complete.
There are also two more access holes located behind the ash drawer.
Remove the ash drawer (see previous page) and loosen the two 5/16”
screws with a 1/2” socket or wrench, the screws are shown as D in
Figure 45
. Rotate the covers over the access holes and use a brush
and vacuum to clean the ash. Rotate the covers back over the holes and
tighten the screws.
Flue Passageways Cleaning Procedure
1. Open both the right and left side door to locate side flue passageways
(see B and C in Figure 45A).
2. There is one upper and one lower, 1” x 2”, flue passageways on both
the left and right sides (see B and C in Figures 45A, 45B and 45C).
3. Using a 5/32” allen remove allen head screws on each cover to access
the flue passage way cavities.
4. Using an ash vac, clean out both flue passageways on both the left and
right side of the stove starting at the top then going to the lower.
5. Once the flue passageways are clear of ash build-up, reinstall the four
cover plates.
6. Remove the ash drawer (see Figures 44
) to locate the lower left and
right tear drop shaped flue passageways (see D in Figures 46A and
7. Using a 3/8” open end wrench or rachet with 3/8” socket, loosen the
screws at the top of each cover.
8. Rotate the covers off to the side to access the flue passage way cavity
(see D in Figure 46B). Using an ash vac, clean out all ash build-up.
9. Rotate the covers back to original position and tighten the screws.
Figure 45B
Figure 45C
Left Side View
Right Side View