Table 28. Items in the Adapter Properties window for SAS1068E (continued)
Item Description
Boot Support
Dening the software control mode of the adapter.
Enabled BIOS & OS: When this option is enabled, it
means that the adapter is controlled by both the BIOS
and the driver on the operating system.
Enabled BIOS Only: When this option is enabled, it
means that the adapter is controlled by only the BIOS,
instead of the driver on the operating system. This
option might not be supported by all the operating
systems, such as Windows operating systems.
Enabled OS Only: When this option is enabled, it
means that the adapter is controlled by only the
operating system.
Disabled: When this option is enabled, the adapter
is disabled.
RAID Properties
Set the Host RAID. See “SAS RAID settings” on page 90.
SAS Topology Set the SAS hard disk drives. See “Accessing the SAS
Topology window” on page 91.
Advanced Adapter Properties
Set the advanced properties of the adapter
Note: To make any of the settings take effect, you need to restart the server.
SAS RAID settings
In the Adapter Properties window, select RAID Properties and press Enter. The main window for SAS
RAID setup is displayed.
The following list describes the items in the main window for SAS RAID setup:
• Create IM Volume: Creating RAID 1 of two hard disk drives.
RAID 1 uses mirroring so that data written to one drive is simultaneously written to another drive. This is
good for small databases or other applications that require small capacity but complete data redundancy
if one drive fails. The data can be read from the two hard disk drives at the same time to improve the
speed of reading the hard disk drives. RAID 1 only supports even numbers of hard disk drives.
• Create IME Volume: Creating RAID 1E of at least three hard disk drives.
RAID 1E stores data on all hard disk drives through striped mirroring. RAID 1E supports odd numbers of
hard disk drives to form an array, while at least three hard disk drives are required.
• Create IS Volume: Creating RAID 0 of two to eight hard disk drives.
RAID 0 uses striping to provide high data throughput, especially for large les in an environment that does
not require fault tolerance. RAID 0 breaks up data into smaller segments. It can improve read and write
speed. However, since there is no data redundancy feature, all data will be lost if any drive fails.
Creating or deleting the RAID 1 array
This section uses RAID 1 as an example to guide you to create or delete SAS RAID using the LSI
Conguration Utility program.
Creating the RAID 1 array
This section provides instructions on how to create RAID 1 using the LSI Conguration Utility program.
To create RAID 1, do the following:
90 ThinkServer User Guide