Chapter 4. General Checkout
You can solve many problems without outside assistance by following the
troubleshooting procedures in this Hardware Maintenance Manual and on the
Lenovo Web site. This document describes the diagnostic tests that you can
perform, troubleshooting procedures, and explanations of error messages and error
codes. The documentation that comes with your operating system and software
also contains troubleshooting information.
Checkout procedure
The checkout procedure is the sequence of tasks that you should follow to
diagnose a problem in the server.
About the checkout procedure
Before you perform the checkout procedure for diagnosing hardware problems,
review the following information:
v Read the safety information that begins on page vii.
v The diagnostic programs provide the primary methods of testing the major
components of the server, such as the system board, Ethernet controller,
keyboard, mouse (pointing device), serial ports, and hard disk drives. You can
also use them to test some external devices. If you are not sure whether a
problem is caused by the hardware or by the software, you can use the
diagnostic programs to confirm that the hardware is working correctly.
v When you run the diagnostic programs, a single problem might cause more than
one error message. When this happens, correct the cause of the first error
message. The other error messages usually will not occur the next time you run
the diagnostic programs.
Exception: If multiple error codes or EasyLED diagnostics LEDs indicate a
microprocessor error, the error might be in a microprocessor or in a
microprocessor socket. See “Microprocessor problems” on page 69 for
information about diagnosing microprocessor problems.
v Before you run the diagnostic programs, you must determine whether the failing
server is part of a shared hard disk drive cluster (two or more servers sharing
external storage devices). If it is part of a cluster, you can run all diagnostic
programs except the ones that test the storage unit (that is, a hard disk drive in
the storage unit) or the storage adapter that is attached to the storage unit. The
failing server might be part of a cluster if any of the following conditions is true:
– You have identified the failing server as part of a cluster (two or more servers
sharing external storage devices).
– One or more external storage units are attached to the failing server and at
least one of the attached storage units is also attached to another server or
unidentifiable device.
– One or more servers are located near the failing server.
Important: If the server is part of a shared hard disk drive cluster, run one test
at a time. Do not run any suite of tests, such as “quick” or “normal” tests,
because this might enable the hard disk drive diagnostic tests.
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