POST code diagnostic LEDs POST error code
01010111 0x57 Microprocessor mismatch.
01011000 0x58
Microprocessor self-test failed or
microprocessor cache error occurred.
01011001 0x59
Microprocessor microcode not found
or microcode updating failed.
01011010 0x5A Internal microprocessor error.
01011011 0x5B Reset PPI not available.
11101000 0xE8
S3 resume operation failed.
11101001 0xE9
S3 resume PPI not found.
11101010 0xEA
S3 resume boot script error.
11101011 0xEB
S3 operating system wake error.
11111000 0xF8 Recovery PPI not available.
11111001 0xF9
Recovery capsule not found.
11111010 0xFA Invalid recovery capsule.
11010000 0xD0 Microprocessor initialization error.
11010001 0xD1 North bridge initialization error.
11010010 0xD2
South bridge initialization error.
11010011 0xD3
Some architectural protocols not
11010100 0xD4
PCI resource allocation error. Out of
11010101 0xD5
No space for the legacy option ROM.
11010110 0xD6
Console output devices not found.
11010111 0xD7
Console input devices not found.
11011000 0xD8 Invalid password.
11011001 0xD9
Error loading Boot Option (LoadImage
returned error).
11011010 0xDA
Boot Option failed (StartImage
returned error).
11011011 0xDB
Flash updating failed.
Reset protocol not available.
52 ThinkServer Hardware Maintenance Manual