Printing handouts
Step 2: Customize the print settings
1 With your document open, click File Print.
The Print dialog box appears.
2 From the Print dialog box, click Properties, Preferences, or Options.
3 Select a print layout:
a From the Print Properties dialog box, select the Print Layout tab.
b From the Layout area, select N-up.
c Select the number of pages (two, three, four, or eight) you want to print on a single sheet
of paper.
d If you want to print a border around each page image, select Print Page Borders.
4 To print on both sides of the paper:
a From the Print Properties dialog box, select the Print Layout tab.
b From the Duplexing area, select Two-Sided.
c Select Side Flip or Top Flip binding.
If you select Side Flip, the pages of your document turn like the pages of a magazine. If
you select Top Flip, the pages turn like the pages of a legal pad.
5 Click OK.
Step 3: Print your handouts
Click OK.
If you formatted your handouts to print on one side of the page, you are finished.