Users and Groups Overview
When security is enabled, the Users & Groups page displays all users and groups on the ix4-300d Network
Storage and enables administrators to add and modify users and groups.
Non-administrator users can be added to limit access to Share content. Additional administrator users can
be added to allow specific users to configure the ix4-300d.
The table displays the Usernames and Descriptive Name of each user and group. Click in a row of the
table to view or modify details about a user or group.
Adding Users
To add a user:
1. Navigate to the Users & Groups page.
2. Before you can create or modify users, you must have security enabled on your ix4-300d Network
Storageix4-300d. If security is already enabled, you are ready to add users. If not, a pop-up
window appears for enabling security and create an administrator user to manage your secured
3. To add a new user, click Add a user.
4. Enter the following information:
● Username — enter the username of the user to be created. This is the username for logging
into the ix4-300d. There is a maximum of 32 characters, and spaces are not allowed. The
following are not valid usernames: root, daemon, bin, sys, sync, mail, proxy, www-data,
backup, operator, sshd, postfix, nobody, unuser, guest, and rsync.
● Descriptive Name — add a descriptive name to identify the user. For example, if you created
a user with a Username of jsmith, you may want to add the Descriptive Name Joe Smith.
● Password — create a password for the user. The password should be at least 8 to 12
characters, and spaces are not allowed. The maximum password length is 32 characters.
● Confirm Password — confirm the password. If the text in this field does not match the text in
the Password field, an error will be returned.
● Quota Size — set a quota size by entering a value in gigabytes. This limits the amount of
storage space this user can have. To have no quota, leave this field blank.
● Administrator — check this box to allow this user to manage the ix4-300d.
Note: An administrator does not have default access to all Shares. Access to Shares must be
granted explicitly to all users, including administrators.
● Add a secured Share for this user — check this box to create a secured Share for this user.
This Share will have the new user's name, and allows access only to that user.
Securing Your ix4-300d Network Storage and Contents
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