Selecting a startup device
If the computer does not start up (boot) from a device such as the CD-ROM,
diskette, or hard disk as expected, use one of the following procedures to select a
startup device.
Selecting a temporary startup device
Use this procedure to startup from any boot device.
Note: Not all CDs, hard disks, and diskettes are startable (bootable).
1. Turn off the computer.
2. Press and hold the F12 key then turn on the computer. When the Startup
Device Menu (Boot Menu) appears, release the F12 key.
Note: If you are using a USB keyboard and the Startup Device Menu does not
display using this method, repeatedly press and release the F12 key
rather than leaving it pressed when turning on the computer.
3. Select the desired startup device from the Startup Device Menu and press Enter
to begin.
Selecting a startup device from the Startup Device (Boot) menu does not
permanently change the startup sequence.
Changing the startup device sequence
To view or change the primary or automatic power-on startup sequence, do the
1. Start the Setup Utility program (see “Starting the Setup Utility program” on
page 51).
2. Select Advanced BIOS features.
3. Select the sequence of devices for the First Boot Device, the Second Boot
Device, and the Third Boot Device.
4. Press Esc to return to the Setup Utility program menu.
5. Select Save & Exit Setup.
If you have changed these settings and want to return to the default settings, press
(N) when the Save and Exit dialog box is displayed.
Exiting from the Setup Utility program
When you finish viewing or changing settings, press Esc to return to the Setup
Utility program menu (you might have to press Esc several times). If you want to
save the new settings, select Save & Exit Setup before you exit. Otherwise, your
changes will not be saved.
Chapter 6. Using the Setup Utility 53