
User Guide
Switching between the main Windows 8
Windows 8 comes with two main user interfaces: the Start Screen and the
Windows desktop.
To switch from the Start Screen to the Windows desktop, do one of the following:
• SelecttheWindowsdesktoptileontheStartScreen.
• PresstheWindowskey
+ D.
To switch from the desktop to the Start Screen, do one of the following:
• SelectStart from the Charms Bar.
• Movethecursortothebottomleftcorner,thenselecttheStartScreen
thumbnail when it is displayed.
• PresstheWindowskey
The Charms Bar
Charms provide new and faster ways to perform many basic tasks.
To display the charms, do one of the following:
• Swipeinfromtherightedgeofthescreen.
• Ifyouareusingamouse,pointtothetoprightorbottomrightcornerofthe
• PresstheWindowskey
+ C.
Shutting down the computer
To shut down the computer:
1. Swipe in from the right edge of the screen, then tap Settings. (If you are using
a mouse, point to the top right or bottom right corner of the screen, then click
2. Select Power
Switching between apps
Sometimes you want to get back to an app you were just using, or quickly switch
through your recent apps.
To switch between apps:
Swipe in from the left edge of the screen or move the cursor to the top left corner,
then click to bring in the next app.