
Table 4. System pulse LEDs
LED Description Action
Enclosure manager heartbeat power-on and power-off sequencing.
1. If the LED flashes at 1Hz, it is
functioning properly and no
action is necessary.
2. If the LED is not flashing, (trained
service technician only) replace
the system board.
IMM heartbeat IMM heartbeat boot process. The following steps describe the
different stages of the IMM heartbeat
sequencing process.
1. When this LED is flashing fast
(approximately 4Hz), the IMM
code is in the loading process.
2. When this LED goes off
momentarily, this indicates that
the IMM code has loaded
3. When this LED goes off
momentarily and then starts
flashing slowing (approximately
1Hz), theIMM is fully operational.
You can now press the
power-control button to power-on
the server.
4. If this LED does not flash within
30 seconds of connecting a power
flash to the server, complete the
following steps:
a. (Trained service technician
only) Use the IMM recovery
jumper to recover the
firmware (see Table 6 on page
b. (Trained service technician
only) Replace the system
Diagnostic programs and messages
The diagnostic programs are the primary method of testing the major components of the server. As you
run the diagnostic programs, text messages are displayed on the screen and are saved in the test log. A
diagnostic text message indicates that a problem has been detected and provides the action you should
take as a result of the text message.
Make sure that the server has the latest version of the diagnostic programs. To download the latest
version, complete the following steps.
Note: Changes are made periodically to the Lenovo Web site. The actual procedure might vary slightly
from what is described in this document.
Go to http://www.lenovo.com/support.
68 ThinkServer ThinkServer RS210, Types 6531, 6532, 6533, and 6534: Hardware Maintenance Manual