
Table 25. Submenus under the PCI Conguration
Item Option
Maximize Memory below 4 GB [Disabled] / Enabled
Memory Mapped I/O above 4 GB [Disabled] / Enabled
Onboard Video [Enabled] / Disabled
Dual Monitor Video
[Disabled] / Enabled (If enable this option, the system can
support the add-in graphics card.)
Onboard NIC1 ROM [Enabled] / Disabled
Onboard NIC2 ROM [Enabled] / Disabled
Onboard iSCSI ROM [Disabled] / Enabled
Note: The settings in [ ] are the default settings in the Setup Utility program.
Table 26. Submenus under the System Acoustic and Performance Conguration
Item Option Description
Set Throttling Mode [Auto] / [OLTT] / [CLTT] Set the throttling mode.
300m or less / [301m-900m] /
901m-1500m / Higher than 1500m
Set the altitude.
Set Fan Prole [Performance] / Acoustic Select the priority for the system fan
control method.
Note: The settings in [ ] are the default settings in the Setup Utility program.
Table 27. Items under the Security menu
Item Option Description
Set Administrator Password Set or change the administrator
password. The password can be
any combination of up to 7 (1 to 7)
alphabetic and numeric characters.
Set User Password Set or change the user password. The
password can be any combination
of up to 7 (1 to 7) alphabetic and
numeric characters.
Front Panel Lockout
[Disabled] / Enabled
If this option is set to Enabled, the
power button and reset button on the
front panel will be locked.
Note: The settings in [ ] are the default settings in the Setup Utility program.
Table 28. Items under the Server Management menu
Item Option Description
Assert NMI on SERR [Enabled] / Disabled
Assert NMI on PERR
[Enabled] / Disabled
Resume on AC Power Loss [Stays Off] / Last state / Reset
If the power is interrupted when the
server is on, after the power resumes,
the server will restart automatically,
or keep the off state, or resume to the
last state.
Clear System Event Log [Disabled] / Enabled
148 ThinkServer TD230 Hardware Maintenance Manual