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at the indoor unit (installed internal or external to the
cabinet) or behind a return air grille in the wall or
ceiling. Check the filter monthly and clean or replace
it as needed.
2. Disposable Filter Ċ Disposable filters should be
replaced with a filter of the same type and size.
Ċ If you are unsure about the filter required for your
system, call your Lennox dealer for assistance.
3. Reusable Filter Ċ Many indoor units are equipped
with reusable foam filters. Clean foam filters with a
mild soap and water solution; rinse thoroughly; allow
filter to dry completely before returning it to the unit or
NOTE Ċ The filter and all access panels must be in place
any time the unit is in operation.
4. Indoor Unit Ċ The indoor unit’s evaporator coil is
equipped with a drain pan to collect condensate
formed as your system removes humidity from the
inside air. Have your dealer show you the location of
the drain line and how to check for obstructions. (This
would also apply to an auxiliary drain, if installed.)
Thermostat Operation
See the thermostat homeowner manual for instructions on
how to operate your thermostat.
Preservice Check
If your system fails to operate, check the following before
calling for service:
S Verify room thermostat settings are correct.
S Verify that all electrical disconnect switches are ON.
S Check for any blown fuses or tripped circuit breakers.
S Verify unit access panels are in place.
S Verify air filter is clean.
S If service is needed, locate and write down the unit
model number and have it handy before calling.
For update−to−date information, see any of the following
S Lennox XC14 Engineering Handbook
S Lennox Product Catalog
S Lennox Price Book
Start−Up and Performance Checklist
Job Name Job no. Date
Job Location City State
Installer City State
Unit Model No. Serial No. Service Technician
Nameplate Voltage
Rated Load Ampacity Compressor Outdoor Fan
Maximum Fuse or Circuit Breaker
Electrical Connections Tight? - Indoor Filter clean? - Supply Voltage (Unit Off)
Indoor Blower RPM S.P. Drop Over Indoor (Dry) Outdoor Coil Entering Air Temp.
Discharge Pressure Suction Pressure Refrigerant Charge Checked? -
Refrigerant Lines: Leak Checked? - Properly Insulated? - Outdoor Fan Checked? -
Service Valves: Fully Opened? - Caps Tight? - Thermostat
Voltage With Compressor Operating Calibrated? - Properly Set? - Level? -