distance you will choose in a later mode. The upper display
shows whether you should hold Hi or Low, and the number
of inches or centimeters to be used for proper correction. For
example, a reading of “Hi, 8” means you should hold 8 inches
above the intended point of impact if measuring in yards. If
measuring in meters, you should hold 8 centimeters above the
intended point of impact. The lower display shows the line-of-
sight distance to the target.
MOA mode will show the minute-of-angle adjustment for
your target which is based upon the ballistics group and sight-
in distance you will choose in a later mode. The upper display
shows whether you should dial the scope’s adjustments Up
or Down, and the number of MOA to be used for proper
correction. For example, a reading of “Up, 4” means you
should dial 4 MOA in the up direction, then aim directly at
the intended point of impact. The lower display shows the
line-of-sight distance to the target.
NOTE: True Ballistic Range is available only in the RX-750