will accommodate legacy systems. The 802.11g improves the wireless power but limits use to
those WLANs that have only 802.11g clients. The 802.11 b/g mixed allows you to use both
802.11b and 802.11g clients but limits power to that of the 802.11b band.
You can assign a channel number to the AP (if necessary) and modify the Tx Pwr Mode.
The Channel Number is a means of assigning frequencies to a series of access points, when
many are used in the same WLAN, to minimize interference. There are 11 channel numbers that
may be assigned. If you assign channel number 1 to the first in a series, then channel 6, then
channel 11, and then continue with 1, 6, 11, you will have the optimum frequency spread to
decrease “noise.”
If you are using the WAB-1000 as both an AP and bridge, the channel number set for the
AP board and the channel number set for the bridge should be sufficiently different to avoid
interference. Generally, it has been found that selecting Channel 4 for Bridging and Channel 11
for AP gives a good spread.