BD-30 Blu-ray Disc Player
7. Noise Reduction: To select whether the player shall apply
video noise reduction processing. Noise reduction levels can
be set between 0 and 8. The default is level 0, which turns
off noise reduction. When set to a smaller positive level, the
player adjusts the picture quality by reducing the “mosquito
noise” (artifacts around the outlines of objects). When set to
a high level between 6 and 8, the player also uses detail and
edge enhancement controls to reduce “block noise” (mosaic-
like patterns caused by video compression) and “film grain
noise” (natural variation of picture intensity caused by film
grain). Excessive noise reduction may cause a loss of details.
We recommend using the noise reduction function only when
you encounter poorly encoded or compressed video that has
apparent noise artifacts.
8. Y/C Delay: To adjust the time difference between the
Luminance (Y) and Chrominance (Pb/Pr or Cb/Cr) channels of
the video signal. When there is a significant lag between the
channels, the image will look “smeared” because the color
component is not lining up properly to the black and white
luminance component. Adjust the Y/C delay setting only when
the TV or projector has a Y/C delay problem. For a display
device that normally does not have Y/C alignment problems,
keep the Y/C delay setting at its default level of 0. The Y/C
delay setting applies to the HDMI output only.
9. Border Level: To set the brightness level of the border area
when borders are inserted by the player to maintain correct
aspect ratio. The default level is 0, which corresponds to
total black. If you set it to a positive level, the bars gradually
become lighter grey instead of black. This setting may be
useful for users with Plasma or CRT TVs that are sensitive to
“burn-in”. A grey border setting allows the phosphor in the
bar area to be moderately used, and can alleviate the burn-in
problem. The Border Level setting only applies to the HDMI
output, and only affects borders inserted by the player. If
the borders are encoded in the original video, the border
brightness level will not be affected by this setting.
Audio Format Setup
The “Audio Format Setup” section of the Setup Menu system
allows you to configure preferences for audio output formats.
The menu items in this section are:
1. Secondary Audio: To set the Secondary Audio Program
mixing option. Some Blu-ray Discs contain a secondary audio
and video program, such as the director’s commentary. Some
Blu-ray Discs have a sound effect when you make menu
choices. This Setup Menu item allows you to decide whether
to mix the Secondary Audio Program and menu clicking sound
into the primary audio. The options are:
• On – The Secondary Audio Program and menu clicking
sound are mixed into the primary audio. Usually this will
cause the primary audio volume to be slightly reduced.
High resolution primary audio will be converted to a
normal resolution in order to mix with the secondary
• Off – The Secondary Audio Program and menu clicking
sound are not mixed into the primary audio and you
cannot hear the secondary audio or menu clicking sound.
This setting preserves the highest possible audio quality for
the primary audio.
Setup Menu Options
Playback Setup
Video Setup
Audio Format Setup
Audio Processing
Device Setup
Network Setup
Secondary Audio
HDMI Audio
SACD Output
Coaxial/Optical Output
LPCM Rate Limit
Setup Menu
Set the secondary audio program mixing option