MPX G2 User Guide
Handy pitches:
D#0=19.445Hz A4=440Hz B5=987.77Hz D#8=4978Hz D#9=9956Hz
Mix 0-100% Dry/Wet ratio
Level* Off, -89 to +6dB Amount of effect in the processed signal
Note C0-G10 Sine wave pitch, expressed as MIDI notes
(0=C0, 127=G10)
Bal* -50 to +50 Relative level of left and right output attenuation
Test Tone
* = Interpolated; ( ) = Option of preceding parameter
Test Tone is an audio sine wave
generator with its output quantized
to correspond with the pitches of a
chromatic scale (A = 440 Hz) over
a nine-and-one-half octave range.
It is provided primarily as a conve-
nient way of generating test tones
and tuning references.
Bal controls the relative level of
left and right output attenuation.
When Bal=-50, the left output has
no attenuation, and the right out-
put is fully attenuated. When
Bal=0, neither output is attenu-
ated. When Bal=+50, the left out-
put is fully attenuated and the right
output has no attenuation. Level
and Bal can be patched to a global
LFO to get tone bursts, etc. Pitch
accuracy is better than 1/4 cent.
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Mix 0-100% Dry/Click ratio
Level 0ff, -89dB to +6dB Amount of Click in processsed signal
This effect is a simple metro-
nome which is automatically con-
nected to Tap. Press Tap twice to
set the tempo.
This effect can be used as an
input source for auditioning reverbs
and delays. It is also a convenient
timing reference for the JamMan
effect, where the click is automati-
cally muted until the loop is tapped.
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