
Parameter Descriptions
DlyTapLvl (off, -48 to 0dB)
Appears in dual programs where one effect is Delay/Echo
and one or more delay voice is controlled by Tap.
DlyTapLvl controls the level of the Tap-controlled voice
that is mixed into the Delay/Echo effect.
Drum Dep (0 to 100%)
In Rotary programs, determines the amount of
modulation produced by the drum.
Drum Res (-100 to +100%)
In Rotary programs, determines the amount of
resonance, i.e. signal, fed back into the effect.
Duration (140 to 700ms)
In Gate/Inv programs, determines the length of time that
passes before the output is cut off.
Efx Bal (100:0% to 0:100%)
Controls the relative amounts of the two effects in Dual
programs. In a Dual Stereo (Parallel), Mono Split, or Dual
Mono configuration, this splits the signal to be fed into
the two effects. In a Cascade configuration, it also allows
some of the signal to bypass either of the two effects.
EkoDly L, R (0ms to 1.198sec)
Control the timing of single reflections that occur early in
the decay in the reverb programs. These reflections
simulate the sound sometimes heard off the back wall of
a stage or other reflective surface.
EkoFbk L, R (-100 to 100%)
Control the amount of repeating echo that simulates a
flutter echo between parallel walls in the reverb
programs. The range of these parameters is from -100%
to 100%, with negative values producing a polarity
reversal. High settings can cause signal overload.
HF Rlloff (28Hz to 19.4kHz, off)
Sets the high-frequency cutoff of a low-pass filter.