PCM 80 User Guide
Dynamic MIDI
The following MIDI messages are available as Dynamic MIDI patch sources:
MIDI Controllers 1-119
Pitch Bend
After Touch (Polyphonic and Channel combined)
Velocity (Note On)
Last Note
Low Note
High Note
Tempo (40–400BPM is converted to controller range 0-127)
Clock Commands
These MIDI messages are also available as threshold sources for several
Modulation parameters: AR Env, Latch, Sw 1 and Sw 2. They may also be used
as a tap source for controlling Tempo.
MIDI Implementation Details, including System Exclusive documentation, are
available to assist experienced programmers in developing software for use
with the PCM 80. These can be obtained directly from Lexicon.
Request: PCM 80 MIDI Implementation Details.
Bulk Data Dumps
Control mode 3.8 (MIDI Dump) allows selection of the following types of bulk
data to be dumped directly from the PCM 80 to another PCM 80, or to editor/
librarian software.
Displayed Name Description
CurrentPgm Currently running effect
Bank R Internal Register Bank
Bank C0-CK Card Banks (card must be inserted)
Map 0, 1 Internal Program Change Maps
Map 2-33 Card Program Change Maps (card must be inserted)
Chain 0-9 Internal Program Chains
Chain 10-19 Card Program Chains (card must be inserted)
Int Chains All Internal Program Chains
Ext Chains All Card Program Chains (card must be inserted)
Setup C Current Setup
Setup 0-4 Internal Setups
Setup 5-9 Card Setups
Use ADJUST to select the bulk data type. Press Store to transmit the data .