Getting Started Lexicon
SACD The RT-20 supports:
• 5-inch (12cm) or 3-inch (8cm) discs
• Digital audio (DSD)
• Single-, dual-, or hybrid-layered discs
Discs are divided into tracks.
Audio CD The RT-20 supports:
• 5-inch (12cm) or 3-inch (8cm) discs
• PCM (Linear) digital audio
• Discs are divided into tracks.
• The RT-20 does not support the “CD” side of a DualDisc.
CD-R/RW The RT-20 supports:
• 5-inch (12cm) or 3-inch (8cm) discs
• Discs recorded in Video CD or Audio CD format
• Discs that include MP3 audio tracks that meet the
requirements outlined in the table on the next page
• Discs that are unfinalized, although some time infor-
mation (i.e. playback time) will not display
The RT-20 might not allow playback of CD-R/RWs recorded with a personal
computer if incorrect software application settings were used during the
recording process – even if the disc was recorded in a compatible format.
Refer to the software application documentation for more information.
Video CD The RT-20 supports:
• 5-inch (12cm) or 3-inch (8cm) discs
• MPEG-1 digital audio and MPEG-2 video
Discs are divided into tracks.
SVCD The RT-20 supports:
• 5-inch (12cm) or 3-inch (8cm) discs
• PCM (Linear) digital audio
Discs are divided into tracks.
Format Logo Disc Compatibility Requirements Additional Information
The RT-20 does not support the “CD” side of a DualDisc.