Use To
Device‑Initiated E‑mail
Use Device SMTP Credentials
Specify what credentials will be used when communicating to the SMTP
• None is the factory default setting for Device‑Initiated E‑mail.
• Device Userid and Device Password are used to log in to the SMTP
server when Use Device SMTP Credentials is selected.
Device Userid
Device Password
Security menu
Confidential Print menu
Use To
Confidential Job Expiration
1 hour
4 hours
24 hours
1 week
Set a limit on how long the printer stores confidential print jobs in the printer memory.
• If the Confidential Job Expiration setting is changed while confidential print jobs reside
in the printer memory, then the expiration time for those print jobs does not change to
the new default value.
• If the printer is turned off, then all confidential jobs held in the printer memory are
Repeat Job Expiration
1 hour
4 hours
24 hours
1 week
Set a limit on how long the printer stores print jobs.
Verify Job Expiration
1 hour
4 hours
24 hours
1 week
Set a limit on how long the printer stores print jobs needing verification.
Reserve Job Expiration
1 hour
4 hours
24 hours
1 week
Set a limit on how long the printer stores print jobs for printing at a later time.
Note: Off is the factory default setting.
Understanding the printer menus 92