This option lets you set the original document type and source.
Select from the following content types:
• Graphics—The original document is mostly business‑type graphics such as pie charts, bar charts, and animations.
• Photo—The original document is mostly a photo or an image.
• Text—The content of the original document is mostly text or line art.
• Text/Photo—The original document is a mixture of text, graphics, and photos.
Select from the following content sources:
• Black/White Laser—The original document was printed using a mono laser printer.
• Color Laser—The original document was printed using a color laser printer.
• Inkjet—The original document was printed using an inkjet printer.
• Magazine—The original document is from a magazine.
• Newspaper—The original document is from a newspaper.
• Other—The original document was printed using an alternate or unknown printer.
• Photo/Film—The original document is a photo from film.
• Press—The original document was printed using a printing press.
This option lets you set the output to either color or monochrome for the scanned image.
Advanced Duplex
This option lets you specify the document orientation, whether documents are one-sided or two-sided, and how
documents are bound.
Save As Shortcut
This option lets you save the current settings by assigning a shortcut name.
Note: Selecting this option automatically assigns the next available shortcut number.
Margin Shift
This option lets you increase or reduce the size of the margin of a page by shifting the scanned image. Touch or
to set the margin you want. If the additional margin is too large, then the copy will be cropped.
Edge Erase
This option lets you remove smudges or marks around the edges of a document. You can choose to remove an equal
area around all four sides of the paper, or pick a particular edge. Edge Erase also removes whatever is within the area
selected, leaving nothing on that portion of the scan.
Copying 83