green settings
Quiet Mode 45
card stock 68
envelopes 67
labels, paper 68
letterhead 65
transparencies 67
Hex Trace 163
Image menu 158
Imaging Kit 163
imaging kits
ordering 179
replacing 183, 189
Incoming call 164
Insert Tray <x> 164
installing on a wireless network
using Windows 35
installing printer
on wireless network 35
installing printer on a network
Ethernet networking 40
installing printer on a wireless
using Macintosh 37
installing printer software
adding options 33
installing printer software
(Windows) 33
Invalid Engine Code 164
Invalid Network Code 164
avoiding 113
locating doors and trays 114
locations 114
numbers 114
jams, clearing
200 115
201 115
202 116
230 118
235 118
242 118
243 118
250 119
290 119
labels, paper
tips on using 68
LADP connection error 164
copying to 76
loading, manual feeder 65
loading, trays 65
tips on using 65
light, indicator 16
Line busy 164
linking trays 48
Load <src> with <x> 164
Load single sheet feeder with
<x> 164
250‑sheet tray (standard) 50
650‑sheet duo drawer 53
card stock 54
envelopes 54, 56
letterhead in manual feeder 65
letterhead in trays 65
manual feeder 56
multipurpose feeder 54
transparencies 54
Magenta Low 163
Maintenance 165
manual feeder
loading 56
memory card
installing 25
troubleshooting 221
Memory full, cannot send
faxes 165
menu settings pages, printing 32
Active NIC 132
Copy Settings 139
Custom Scan Sizes 130
Custom Types 129
Default Source 122
diagram of 121
Fax Settings 141
Finishing 150
Flash Drive 147
Image 158
Network 132
Paper Loading 128
Paper Size/Type 123
Paper Texture 125
PCL Emul 155
PDF 155
PictBridge 158
PostScript 155
Quality 152
Reports 131
Set Date and Time 159
Settings 136
Setup 150
Supplies 122
USB 134
Utilities 154
Wireless 134
Menus disabled 165
moving the printer 204, 205
multiple pages on one sheet 80
multipurpose feeder
loading 54
Network menu 132
network setup page 32
Networking Guide 206
No analog phone line 165
No answer 165
No dial tone 165
No recognized file types 165
noise emission levels 238
notices 237, 238, 239, 240, 241,
242, 243, 244, 245, 246
550‑sheet tray 29
650‑sheet duo drawer 29
fax 105
flash memory card 27
internal 22
memory card 25
memory cards 22
scan to computer 111
updating in printer driver 33
imaging kits 179
toner cartridges 178
waste toner bottle 179
Index 253