9 If you want the MFP to add a digital signature to e-mail alerts, then set “Digitally sign exports” to On.
10 For “Severity of events to log,” select 5 ‑ Notice. The chosen severity level and anything higher (0–4) will be logged.
11 If you want the MFP to send all events regardless of severity to the remote server, then set “Remote Syslog
non‑logged events” to Yes.
12 If you want the MFP to automatically notify administrators of certain log events, then adjust the following settings
as needed:
• To send an e-mail when the Delete Log button is clicked, set “E-mail log cleared alert” to Yes.
• To send an e-mail when the log becomes full and begins to overwrite the oldest entries, set “E-mail log wrapped
alert” to Yes.
• To send an e-mail when log storage space reaches a specified percentage of capacity, set “E-mail % full alert”
to Yes.
• For “% full alert level,” specify the percentage of log storage space that must be used before an e-mail alert is
• To send an e-mail when the log file is exported, set “E-mail log exported alert” to Yes.
• To send an e-mail when log settings are changed, set “E-mail log settings changed alert” to Yes.
• For ”Log line endings,” select LF (\n), CR (\r), or CRLF (\r\n) to specify how line endings will be handled in the
log file, depending on the operating system in which the file will be parsed or viewed.
13 Touch Submit.
Note: To use e-mail alerts, you must also configure SMTP settings. For information about SMTP settings, see “E-mail”
on page 22.
User data sent by the MFP using e-mail must be sent as an attachment.
Using the EWS
From the Embedded Web Server, click Settings > E‑mail/FTP Settings > E‑mail Settings.
Note: For information about accessing the EWS, see “Using the Embedded Web Server” on page 15.
2 Under E-mail Settings, select Attachment for “E‑mail images sent as.”
3 Under Web Link Setup, verify the following settings:
• Server—This must be blank.
• Login—This must be blank.
• Password—This must be blank.
• Path—This must be “/”.
• File Name—This must be “image” (default).
• Web Link—This must be blank.
SMTP settings
From the Embedded Web Server, click Settings > E-mail/FTP Settings > SMTP Setup.
2 Under SMTP Setup, type the IP address or host name of the Primary SMTP Gateway the MFP will use for sending