signal strength
finding 84
Sleep timeout
changing 17
software did not install 96
software updates
checking 23
software, optional
finding, installing 22
ad hoc 67
finding 85
locating 78
wireless network 78
Standard Network Software
Error 107
streaks or lines on printed
image 113
supported operating systems 19
supported printers 44
switching from Ethernet
to USB 71
to wireless 71
switching from USB
to Ethernet 71
to wireless 71
to wireless, using Mac OS X 72
switching from wireless
to Ethernet 71
to USB 71
to USB, using Mac OS X 72
technical support 95
tips for
copying 45
e‑mailing 58
printing 30
scanning 51
transmit key
WEP 76
transparencies 28
tray extension 10
checking an unresponsive
printer 95
contacting technical support 95
Continue button is
unavailable 116
solving basic printer problems 95
wireless network 118
troubleshooting, copy
scanner unit does not close 115
troubleshooting, copy and scan
cannot scan to computer over a
network 116
copier or scanner does not
respond 114
partial document or photo
scans 115
poor scanned image quality 115
scan not successful 115
scanning takes too long or freezes
the computer 116
troubleshooting, jams and
paper jam in the duplex unit 110
paper jam in the exit tray 109
paper jam in the paper
support 109
paper jam in the printer 108
paper or specialty media 111
troubleshooting, print
cannot delete documents from
print queue 99
computer slows down when
printing 114
poor quality at the edges of
page 112
slow print speed 113
streaks or lines on printed
image 113
troubleshooting, setup
cannot print through USB 99
incorrect language appears on
display 95
page does not print 96
printer does not respond 98
printer printing blank pages 98
printhead error 103
software did not install 96
troubleshooting, wireless
cannot print over wireless
network 119
changing wireless settings after
installation (Mac) 66
changing wireless settings after
installation (Windows) 66
resolving communication
problems 124
copying, automatic 49
copying, manual 49
two‑sided printing 38
two‑sided printing dry time
setting 39
special wireless setup
instructions 65
uninstalling printer software 23
Universal Print Driver
downloading 23
Unrecoverable Scan Error 107
Unsupported Cartridge 102
updating printer software 23
USB 87
cable 81
Macintosh 72
USB cable 81
definition 81
USB connection
with network connection 87
USB Device Not Supported 107
USB Hub Not Supported 107
USB port 11
Virtual Private Network 118
lose connection to printer 118
Web Links
accessing 21
Web site
finding 7
WEP 60, 76
ad hoc 67
transmit key 76
WEP key
key index 89
locating 78
installing printer on wireless
network 63
Windows software
Abbyy Sprint OCR 19
Phone Book 19
Printer Home 19
Printer Setup Utility 19
Printing Preferences 19
Product Update 19
Index 142