dictionary Type is a constant value. To find the value of Type for your printer, see Table C-2
on page C-4.
ColorCorrection is a null, string, or name object that controls the appearance of
colors. The value is determined by the user default setting in the
Color Correction
menu item. The following values are supported:
ImageBrightness is an integer that controls the brightness of images. The
following values are supported:
-100 ... 100
0 (default)
ImageContrast is an integer that controls the contrast of images. The following
values are supported:
-100 ... 100
0 (default)
PrintQuality is an integer that controls the print quality settings. The following
values are supported:
0 Quick Print
1 Normal
2 Presentation
3 1200 Image Q
Duplex boolean Indicates if printed pages are duplexed (printed on both sides of the page) or
simplexed (printed on one side of the page).
True Print duplex mode
False Print simplex mode (default)
EndPage procedure Executes at the end of each printed page to indicate if the contents of raster
memory should be printed. EndPage gets two integer arguments through the
operand stack: one is a count of the previous showpage executions and the other
is the code that indicates the execution condition.
The code is 0 (zero) if it is called from showpage, 1 if it is called from copypage,
and 2 if it is called during device deactivation. The procedure must return a
boolean value.
ExitJamRecovery boolean Indicates the setting of the
Jam Recovery menu item.
Jam Recovery is set to On.
Jam Recovery is set to Off or Auto (model specific).
HWResolution integer Indicates the resolution of the printer (in pixels per inch) along the x and y
dimensions of the device space. x and y are always equal. The following
resolutions are supported:
300 dpi
600 dpi
1200 dpi
Table 4-8: Page Device Parameters (Continued)
Key Type Definition