
Understanding the colors of the Sleep button and indicator
The colors of the Sleep button and indicator lights on the printer control panel signify a certain printer status or condition.
Indicator light Printer status
Off The printer is off or in Hibernate mode.
Blinking green The printer is warming up, processing data, or printing.
Solid green The printer is on, but idle.
Blinking red The printer requires user intervention.
Sleep button light Printer status
Off The printer is off, idle or in Ready state.
Solid amber The printer is in Sleep mode.
Blinking amber The printer is entering or waking from Hibernate mode.
Blinking amber for 0.1 second, then goes
completely off for 1.9 seconds in a slow,
pulsing pattern
The printer is in Hibernate mode.
Accessing the Embedded Web Server
The Embedded Web Server is the printer Web page that lets you view and remotely configure printer settings even
when you are not physically near the printer.
1 Obtain the printer IP address:
From the printer control panel home screen
From the TCP/IP section in the Network/Ports menu
By printing a network setup page or menu settings page, and then finding the TCP/IP section
Note: An IP address appears as four sets of numbers separated by periods, such as
2 Open a Web browser, and then type the printer IP address in the address field.
3 Press Enter.
Note: If you are using a proxy server, then temporarily disable it to load the Web page correctly.
Using MS315 and MS415 31