loading, 2100‑sheet
tray 57, 106, 156
loading, multipurpose
feeder 64, 113, 163
loading, trays 50, 99, 149
linking trays 69, 118, 119, 168, 169
Load [paper source] with [custom
string] [paper orientation] 298
Load [paper source] with [custom
type name] [paper orientation] 299
Load [paper source] with [paper
size] [paper orientation] 299
Load [paper source] with [paper
type] [paper size] [paper
orientation] 299
Load manual feeder with [custom
string] [paper orientation] 299
Load manual feeder with [custom
type name] [paper orientation] 300
Load manual feeder with [paper
size] [paper orientation] 300
Load manual feeder with [paper
type] [paper size] [paper
orientation] 300
Load staples 298
2100‑sheet tray 57, 106, 156
card stock 64, 113, 163
envelopes 64, 113, 163
letterhead in 2100‑sheet
tray 57, 106, 156
letterhead in multipurpose
feeder 64, 113, 163
letterhead in trays 50, 99, 149
multipurpose feeder 64, 113, 163
optional 250‑sheet
tray 50, 99, 149
optional 550‑sheet
tray 50, 99, 149
standard 250‑sheet tray 50
standard 550‑sheet tray 50, 99
standard tray 149
transparencies 64, 113, 163
lock, security 84, 132, 182
maintenance kit
ordering 259
Maintenance kit low [80.xy] 300
Maintenance kit nearly low
[80.xy] 300
Maintenance kit very low, [x]
estimated pages remain
[80.xy] 301
types installed on
printer 84, 133, 182
memory card 12
installing 15
Memory full [38] 301
menu settings
loading on multiple
printers 78, 127, 177
menu settings page
printing 78, 128, 177
Active NIC 210
AppleTalk 215
Bin Setup 208
Confidential Print 224
Configure MP 201
Custom Bin Names 207
Custom Names 206
Custom Types 206
Default Source 198
Disk Wiping 225
Edit Security Setups 223
Finishing 242
General Settings 228
Help 252
HTML 251
Image 252
IPv6 214
Job Accounting 245
list of 197
Miscellaneous 224
Network [x] 210
Network Card 212
Network Reports 212
Paper Loading 205
Paper Size/Type 198
Paper Texture 202
Paper Weight 203
Parallel [x] 217
PCL Emul 248
PDF 247
PostScript 248
Print Settings 238
Quality 244
Reports 209
Security Audit Log 226
Serial [x] 219
Set Date and Time 226
Setup 240
SMTP Setup menu 222
Standard Network 210
Standard USB 216
Substitute Size 201
TCP/IP 213
Universal Setup 207
Utilities 246
Wireless 214
XPS 247
Miscellaneous menu 224
moving the printer 10, 11, 267, 269
multipurpose feeder
loading 64, 113, 163
Network [x] menu 210
Network [x] software error
[54] 301
Network Card menu 212
Network Reports menu 212
network settings
Embedded Web Server 76
network setup page
printing 79, 128, 178
Networking Guide
where to find 76, 126, 175
noise emission levels 348
noise, printer
reducing 80, 129
Non‑Lexmark [supply type], see
User’s Guide [33.xy] 301
non‑volatile memory 84, 133, 182
erasing 85, 134, 183
Not enough free space in flash
memory for resources [52] 302
notices 347, 348, 349, 350, 351,
354, 355, 356, 357, 359, 360, 361,
number of remaining pages
estimate 257
optional 250‑sheet tray
loading 50, 99, 149
optional 550‑sheet tray
loading 50, 99, 149
optional card
installing 21
550‑sheet tray, installing 29
Index 367