quick copy 100
to a computer 147
to a computer using the
Embedded Web Server 146
to an FTP address 144, 145
scanning to a computer 147
using the Embedded Web
Server 146
scanning to a flash drive 148
scanning to an FTP address
creating shortcuts using the
computer 143
using a shortcut number 145
using the address book 145
using the printer control
panel 144
scanning to network
destinations 143
modifying confidential print
settings 98
Security Audit Log menu 180
security settings information
erasing 237
security Web page
where to find 239
selecting a location for the
printer 10
selecting paper 88
send as
e‑mail options 117
scan options 149
sending a fax 135
sending a fax using the printer
control panel 134
sending an e‑mail using the printer
control panel 114
sending fax
using shortcuts 135
using the address book 136
sending fax at a scheduled
time 136
sending fax using the address
book 136
Serial [x] menu 173
Serial option [x] error [54] 288
Serial port [x] disabled [56] 289
serial printing
setting up 62
Set Date/Time menu 181
paper size 65
paper type 65
TCP/IP address 167
setting the fax number 133
setting the outgoing fax name 133
setting the Universal paper size 65
setting up e‑mail alerts 255
setting up fax
country‑ or region‑specific 129
digital telephone service 127
DSL connection 125
standard telephone line
connection 121
VoIP connection 126
setting up fax and e‑mail
functions 332
setting up serial printing 62
setting up the printer
on an Ethernet network
(Macintosh only) 56
on an Ethernet network (Windows
only) 56
Settings menu 218
shipping the printer 254
shortcuts, creating
copy screen 102
e‑mail 113
fax destination 137
FTP address 144
FTP destination 143
showing icons on the home
screen 21
sides (duplex)
copy options 110
Sleep mode
adjusting 232
SMTP Setup menu 176
Some held jobs were not
restored 289
Standard Network menu 165
Standard network software error
54] 289
Standard USB menu 170
Standard USB port disabled
[56] 289
statement of volatility 236
status of parts
checking 243
status of supplies
checking 243
paper 90
supplies 247
storing print jobs 96
streaked horizontal lines appear on
prints 319
streaked vertical lines appear on
prints 320
streaks appear 323
subject and message information
adding to e‑mail 115
Substitute Size menu 156
checking status 243
checking, from printer control
panel 243
checking, using the Embedded
Web Server 243
conserving 230
storing 247
using genuine Lexmark 244
using recycled paper 230
supplies, ordering
imaging unit 245
maintenance kit 246
toner cartridges 244
Supply needed to complete job 289
supply notifications
configuring 256
supported flash drives 95
supported paper sizes 90
supported paper types 92
supported paper weights 92
TCP/IP menu 167
notices 347, 348, 349, 350
the scanner does not respond 337
card stock 85
labels, paper 86
on using envelopes 85
on using letterhead 86
transparencies 87
tips on using envelopes 85
tips on using letterhead 86
toner cartridge
replacing 247, 249
toner cartridges
ordering 244
recycling 234
toner darkness
adjusting 93
Too many disks installed [58] 289
Index 366