Frequently asked questions
Frequently asked questions
What are the benefits of using the Universal Print Driver?
The main benefit is the amount of time saved in deploying and administering a large fleet of printers. The Universal
Print Driver can be used to print to multiple devices, therefore minimizing the number of printer drivers in the
network environment.
Is the Universal Print Driver Microsoft certified?
The Universal Print Drivers for Windows 2000 and later are certified for all Windows operating systems for which
Microsoft offers certification programs.
Is Point and Print available with this driver?
Point and Print works the same way with the Universal Print Drivers as with any other Lexmark driver.
Will Lexmark stop providing model-specific drivers?
There are no plans for the Universal Print Drivers to replace model-specific drivers.
When should I use a model-specific print driver instead of the UPD?
Use a model-specific driver if you need a PCL-XL (PCL 6) emulation driver or if your printer is not in the list of
supported printers. Use model-specific drivers if you need resolutions other than 600 dpi.
Is Plug and Play supported?
Plug and Play is supported, though some preparation is required.
What printing modes are supported with the PCL Emulation Universal Print Driver?
Raster and GL/2 modes are supported. XL modes and host-based printing are not supported.
I have a color laser that is listed in the supported printers, but jobs sent to it always print in black-and-white.
What is happening?
In the UPD, color printing capability is an installable option, but it is disabled in a default installation if bi-directional
communication is unavailable. Installing the Color Printing installable option will resolve this issue. For more
information, see “Configuring installed options” on page 9. If the printer has bi-directional communication, force
an update by clicking Ask Printer in the Print Properties dialog.
If the Color Printing option is installed, then Print in black and white may be selected. To deselect Print in black
and white, go to the Print Quality tab of the Printing Preferences dialog.
Are the Driver Profiler utility and Script Install supported?
Driver Profiler and Script Install are both supported when using the Lexmark Universal Driver System Administrator
Package. The Lexmark Universal Driver System Administrator package is available at www.lexmark.com.
Is the UPD based on Microsoft system driver technology?
The Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, and Windows 2000 Universal Drivers
are based on Microsoft system driver technology.
Frequently asked questions