150 displayed 158
200 Paper jam <area name> 159
201.yy Paper jam <area
name> 159
202.yy Paper jam <area
name> 159
230.yy Paper jam <area
name> 159
235 Paper Jam Check Duplex 159
24x Paper Jam Check Tray <x> 159
250.yy Paper jam <area
name> 160
250-sheet tray (standard)
loading 39
290–292 ADF Scanning Jams 160
293 Paper Missing 160
293.02 Flatbed Cover Open 160
294 ADF Jam 160
30.yy <color> cartridge
missing 155
31 Defective Imaging Kit 155
34 Short paper 156
35 Insufficient memory to support
Resource Save feature 156
37 Insufficient memory to collate
job 156
38 Memory Full 156
39 Complex page, some data may
not have printed 156
40 <color> Invalid refill, change
cartridge 156
50 PPDS Font Error 156
51 Defective flash detected 157
52 Not enough free space in flash
memory for resources 157
53 Unformatted flash
detected 157
54 Network <x> Software
Error 157
56 Standard USB Port Disabled 157
58 Too many flash options
installed 157
58 Too many trays attached 158
59 Incompatible tray <x> 158
650-sheet duo drawer
installing 31
650-sheet duo drawer (optional)
loading 41
82 Replace waste toner box 158
82.yy Waste toner box missing 158
840.01 Scanner Disabled 161
840.02 Scanner Auto Disabled 161
88.yy <color> Cartridge is low 158
88.yy Replace <color>
Cartridge 158
900–999 Service <message> 162
940.01 161
940.02 161
941.01 161
941.02 161
942.01 161
942.02 162
943.01 161
943.02 162
Access USB after scan 149
Access USB now 149
Active NIC menu 120
address book, e-mail
setting up 71
address book, fax
using 92
copying using 62
attaching cables 33
battery, clock 149
Black Low 150
Busy 149
buttons, printer control panel 17
Ethernet 33
USB 33
Calibrating 149
Call complete 149
calling Customer Support 221
Cancel not available 149
Canceling 149
canceling a job
from Macintosh 60
from the printer control panel 60
from Windows 60
card stock
loading 42
tips on using 57
Check Config ID 149
checking an unresponsive
printer 194
checking an unresponsive
scanner 199
exterior of the printer 188
scanner glass 189
clock battery 149
Close door 149
collating copies 67
printer 16
connecting the printer to
computer modem 86
conserving supplies 163
contacting Customer Support 221
control panel, printer 17
copy quality
adjusting 67
improving 69
Copy Settings menu 127
copy troubleshooting
copier does not respond 197
partial document or photo
copies 199
poor copy quality 198
poor scanned image quality 200
scanner unit does not close 197
adjusting quality 67
canceling a copy job 69
collating copies 67
enlarging 66
from one size to another 64
improving copy quality 69
making a copy lighter or
darker 66
multiple pages on one sheet 68
on both sides of the paper
(duplexing) 65