From Setup to Printing
Step 7: Install the printer
Now that you have set up your printer, you are ready to install
the printer software.
Follow all of the steps for your operating system.
Printer software for other operating systems (such as Linux)
may be available on the Lexmark Web site. (For more
information, see page 17.) When you download the software,
installation information is included in the readme file.
Note: To install the printer software for Mac OS 8.6
to 9.1, see page 12. To install the printer
software for Mac OS X, see page 14.
Your software screens may look slightly different from the
ones shown in this booklet, depending on your printer model
and operating system. The arrows show you where to click.
Operating system: Page:
Windows 98, Windows Me, and Windows 2000 6
Mac OS 8.6 to 9.1 12
Mac OS X 14
Click Cancel on
any screens similar
to the one shown.