
Ensure that the following accessories are included with your product. If an accessory is missing, please contact the
dealer where you purchased the product.
User must use shielded signal interface cables with ferrite cores to maintain standard compliance for the product.
Owner’s Manual CD Manual
Power Cord
Shown herein is an optional remote control available for the 20LH1DC1 model only. The remote control is
NOT included with the TV.
•However, both the User and Installer remotes can be purchased separately, see your LG dealer.
To perform a normal installation set up, you need an installer's remote and the LT2002 Quickset II Clone
Programmer – both are shown and described in later sections. See your LG dealer if you wish to purchase
the Installer remote and LT2002. The installer remote allows access to the Installer menus, User menus,
and Channel Banks in the Manual Channel Set options on the Setup menu. The installer remote has Menu,
Select, and Adjust Keys. The LT2002 Quickset II Clone Programmer is used to duplicate a TV's setup and
install it on another identical TV.
OOppttiioonnaall UUsseerr aanndd IInnssttaalllleerr RReemmoottee CCoonnttrroollss ffoorr MMooddeell NNoo.. 2200LLHH11DDCC11
PPuurrcchhaassee tthhee OOppttiioonnaall IInnssttaalllleerr''ss RReemmoottee aanndd CClloonnee PPrrooggrraammmmeerr
Installer Remote Control.
Batteries (Optional )
Design and specifications are subject to change without prior notice.
User Remote Control.
Batteries (Optional )