Installer Menu (Cont.)
069 - EN. CH-T COL. (Enable Channel-Time Custom Color)
Set to 1 to enable custom color for the Channel-Time display. Set
to 0 to disable custom color for the Channel-Time display.
070 - FOR. CH-TIME (Channel-Time Display Foreground Color)
Set according to Color Chart:
0 = Black 3 = Cyan 6 = Yellow
1 = Blue 4 = Red 7 = White
2 = Green 5 = Violet
Note: Applies only to “Channel Not Available” message if item
073 is set to 1 (enabled). If foreground color and background
color are the same, the menu background will be transparent.
071 - BCK. CH-TIME (Channel-Time Display Background Color)
Set according to Color Chart:
0 = Black 3 = Cyan 6 = Yellow
1 = Blue 4 = Red 7 = White
2 = Green 5 = Violet
Note: Applies only to “Channel Not Available” message if item
073 is set to 1 (enabled). If foreground color and background
color are the same, the menu background will be transparent.
073 - CH NOT AVBLE (Channel Not Available)
If set to 1 and item 028 CH. OVERIDE is set to 0, a “NOT AVAIL-
ABLE” message is displayed when directly accessing a channel
not in the channel scan list available in memory.
075 - REVERT CH (Revert to Start Channel)
If set to 1 and loss of MPI communication occurs, TV automati-
cally tunes to the speci ed Start Channel.
078 - UPN MSB (UPN Most Signifi cant Byte)
User programmable number, most signi cant byte readable by
MPI command. Not linked to serial number.
079 - UPN MSB-1 (UPN Most Signifi cant Byte-1)
User programmable number, most signi cant byte-1 readable by
MPI command. Not linked to serial number.
080 - UPN MSB-2 (UPN Most Signifi cant Byte-2)
User programmable number, most signi cant byte-2 readable by
MPI command. Note: Not linked to serial number.
081 - UPN LSB (UPN Least Signifi cant Byte)
User programmable number, least signi cant byte readable by
MPI command. Note: Not linked to serial number.
082 - CHKSM ERROR (Checksum Error)
Enforces rigid MPI checksum validation. Set to 1 for validation.
Set to 0 to disable (does not check checksum on MPI async port).
SPI is always checked.
083 - HANDSHK TIME (Handshake Time)
Adds an additional delay to the handshake time which is 64 msec,
thus relaxing MPI timing requirements to be compatible with PC-
based Windows controlled systems. Range is 0 - 5.
(Timeout = 25.5MS + [25.5 MS* Handshake time].)
084 - PERMANENT BLK (Permanent Block)
Allows Lock (Parental Control) blocking schemes to be permanent
by disabling the blocking hours function. Set to 1 to install Paren-
tal Control restrictions permanently. Set to 0 for user-speci ed
hours control of blocking schemes.
087 - REAR RGB EN. (Rear RGB Enable)
Controls access to rear RGB input on TV. Set to 0 to disable RGB
input. Set to 1 to enable for PC RGB input. Set to 17 to initiate a
one-time automatic con guration after an AC power cycle; other-
wise, automatic adjustment will be performed each time the RGB
input is accessed.
088 - EN NOISE MUTE (Enable Noise Mute)
If set to 1, audio mutes if no signal is present.
090 - KEY LOCK
If set to 1, front keyboard Channel, Volume, and Captions buttons
are disabled, Power button remains enabled. If set to 0, the Chan-
nel, Volume, Captions, and Power buttons are all enabled.
091 - YPrPb2 EN. (HDMI2 Enable)
Set to 0 to disable display panel HDMI2 input. Set to 1 to enable
DTV mode. Set to 2 to enable PC mode.
094 - SAP MENU EN (2nd Audio Program)
Set to 1 to enable SAP feature on Function Menu, if Function
Menu is available. Set to 0 to disable SAP feature on Function
Menu, if Function Menu is available.
096 - DEF. ASP. RATIO (Default Aspect Ratio)
Selects default aspect ratio at power up.
• Set to 0 for Set By System.
• Set to 1 for 4:3.
• Set to 2 for 16:9 (Factory Default).
• Set to 3 for Just Scan.
• Set to 4 for Zoom.
Note: Only applies if item 106 ASP RATIO LOCK is disabled, set
to 0.
Selects the Pro:Centric Mode. Set to 0 (default) to disable
Pro:Centric operation. Set to 1 for Flash Mode. Set to 2 for GEM
(Java Application) Mode.