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LGE Internal Use OnlyCopyright © LG Electronics. Inc. All rights reserved.
Only for training and service purposes
* Manual W/B process using adjust Remote control.
▪ After enter Service Mode by pushing "ADJ" key,
▪ Enter White Balance by pushing "
" key at "8. White
* CASE Cool Mode
First adjust the coordinate far away from the target
value(x, y).B.
1) x, y > target
2) x, y < target
3) x >target, y < target
4) x < target, y > target
- Every 4 case have to fit y value by adjusting B Gain
and then fit x value by adjusting R-Gain.
- In this case, increasing/decreasing of B Gain and R
Gain can be adjusted.
How to adjust
1) In case G gain more than 172
Adjust R Gain and B Gain less than 192
2) if the G gain value be adjusted down to 172
G gain increase to 172 and R gain / B gain increase
same as G gain increases.
3) if R Gain / B Gain is more than 255 , the G gain adjust
to less than 172.
* CASE Medium / Warm
First adjust the coordinate far away from the target
value(x, y).
1) x, y > target
i) Decrease the R, G.
2) x, y < target
i) First decrease the B gain,
ii) Decrease the one of the others.
3) x > target, y < target
i) First decrease B, so make y a little more than the target.
ii) Adjust x value by decreasing the R
4) x < target, y > target
i) First decrease B, so make x a little more than the target.
ii) Adjust x value by decreasing the G
* After you finished all adjustments, Press "In-start" key and
compare Tool option and Area option value with its BOM, if
it is correctly same then unplug the AC cable. If it is not
same, then correct it same with BOM and unplug AC cable.
For correct it to the model's module from factory Jig model.
* Push the "IN STOP" key after completing the function
inspection. And Mechanical Power Switch must be set
4.2. 3D function test
(Pattern Generator MSHG-600, MSPG-6100[Support HDMI1.4])
* HDMI mode NO. 872 , pattern No.83
(1) Please input 3D test pattern like below.
(2) When 3D OSD appear automatically , then select OK key.
(3) Don't wear a 3D Glasses, Check the picture like below.
4.3. IR emitter inspection
(1) Start 3D pattern inspection.
(2) If IR emitter signal is correctly received to IR receiver, the
lamp of IR tester turns on.
0. Tool Option1
1. Tool Option2
2. Tool Option3
3. Tool Option4
4. Tool Option5
5. Tool Option Commercial
6. Country Group
7. Area Option
8. ADC Calibration
9. White Balance
10. 10 Point WB
11. Test Pattern
13. Sub B/C
14. Ext. Input Adjust
Whit Balance
Color Temp. ◄ ►
Reset To Set