Set to 0 (default) to disable. Set to the RF channel number of the
data channel for Pro:Centric or TV E-Z Installation (splash screen,
configuration, or firmware) data.
Note: Pro:Centric updates are downloaded from the Pro:Centric
server to the TV when the TV is turned OFF. Also, while
Pro:Centric updates are in progress, it is not possible to turn ON
the TV. The TV may take several minutes to load EPG data after
the initial download of the Pro:Centric application. Subsequent
updates generally will take less than one minute.
121 - P:C RF WAKE HR
Set the hour from 0 to 23 for Wake On RF. This item uses the 24-
hour clock format. The value “128” is displayed as “OFF.” Directly
entering 128 turns the Wake On RF feature OFF.
Note: This item is not available in the Installer Menu when item
119 DATA CHANNEL is set to 0.
122 - P:C RF WAKE MN
Set the minute from 0 to 59 for Wake On RF.
Note: This item is not available in the Installer Menu when item
119 DATA CHANNEL is set to 0 or when item 121 P:C RF WAKE
HR is set to 128/OFF.
Installer Menu (Cont.)