
- 11 -
8. Mechanical specification
<Table 1> Scart Arrangement 1.(Full Scart)
Pin Signal Signal Level Impedance
1 Audio Output B (right) 0.5 Vrms < 1
2 Audio Input B (right) 0.5 Vrms > 10
3 Audio Output A (left) 0.5 Vrms < 1
4 Ground (audio) - -
5 Ground (blue) - -
6 Audio input A (left) 0.5 Vrms > 10
7 Blue input 0.7 V 75Ϊ
8 Function Select (AV control) High (9.5 - 12V) - AV Mode
Mid (5 - 8V) - Wide Screen > 10
Low (0 - 2V) - TV Mode
9 Ground (Green) - -
10 Comms Data 2
11 Green input 0.7 V 75Ϊ
12 Comms Data 1
13 Ground (Red) - -
14 Ground (Blanking) - -
15 Red input 0.7 V 75Ϊ
16 RGB Switching Control High (1 - 3V) - RGB
Low (0 - 0.4V) - Composite 75Ϊ
17 Ground (Video input & Output) - -
18 Ground (RGB Switching Control) - -
19 Video input (Composite) 1V including sync(0.85<Typ<1.15) 75Ϊ
7. Mechanical specification
No, Item Content Remark
1 Product Dimenson
Width(W)(32"/37"/42") Length(D)(32"/37"/42") Height(H)(32"/37"/42")
Before Packing 811 944 1054 235 286 302 630 726 813.5 With Stand
After Packing 896 1052 1166 300 383 402 720 855 950
2 Product Weight Only SET 22Kg(32")/31Kg(37")/37.0Kg(42") With Stand
With Box 25.5Kg(32")/33.3Kg(37")/42.3Kg(42")