Set to warm to enhance hotter colors such as red, or set to cool to make picture
Adjusts the contrast to keep it at the best level according to the brightness of the
screen. The picture is improved by making bright parts brighter and dark parts darker.
Adjusts screen colors so that they look livelier, richer and clearer. This feature
enhances hue, saturation and luminance so that red, blue, green and white look
more vivid.
Reduces screen noise without compromising video quality.
Low : Make dark and middle gray level area of the picture brighter.
Medium: Express original picture levels.
High: Make dark and middle gray level area of the picture darker.
You can adjust brightness of dark area and middle gray level area of the picture.
Low: The reflection of the screen gets darker.
High: The reflection of the screen gets brighter.
Auto: Realizing the black level of the screen and set it to High or Low automatically.
Set black level of the screen to proper level.
This function enables to select 'Low' or 'High' in the following mode: AV (NTSC-M),
HDMI or Component. Otherwise, 'Black level' is set to 'Auto'.
Adjust the brightness of the screen to prevent the screen from being too bright.
Dims extremely bright pictures.
This feature is disabled in “
PPiiccttuurree MMooddee--VViivviidd
Makes video clips recorded in film look more natural.
DVD and Blu-ray movies are filmed at 24 frames per second.
Dynamic Contrast
Dynamic Color
Noise Reduction
Black Level
Eye Care
Film Mode
Color Temperature
Real Cinema
Makes video clips recorded in film look more natural by eliminating judder effect.
DVD and Blu-ray movies are filmed at 24 frames per second. With LG Real Cinema,
every frame is consistently processed 5 times in 1/24 of a second producing 120
fps with TruMotion or 2 times in 1/24 of a second producing 48 fps without
TruMotion, thus totally eliminating the judder effect.
*This feature is not available for all models.
High: Provides smoother picture movement.
Low: Provides smooth picture movement. Use this setting for standard use.
Off: Use this setting when "High" and "Low" setting result in noise.
TruMotion provides even better quality for movies than 3:2 Pull-Down conversions.
TruMotion can reduce the perception of blur on fast moving scenes by displaying
120 images per second.
It is used for the best picture quality without any motion blur or judder when you
enter a quick image or Film Source.
TruMotion works with all inputs except PC mode.
If you enable "TruMotion", noise may appear on the screen.
If this occurs, set "TruMotion" to "Off".
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