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LGE Internal Use OnlyCopyright © LG Electronics. Inc. All rights reserved.
Only for training and service purposes
(5) Detail EDID Options are below
a. Product ID
b. Serial No: Controlled on production line.
c. Month, Year: Controlled on production line:
ex) Week : '01' -> '01'
Year : '2013' -> '17' fix
d. Model Name(Hex):
cf) TV set’s model name in EDID data is below.
e. Checksum: Changeable by total EDID data.
f. Vendor Specific(HDMI)
- FHD model
- HD model
3.4 Function Check
- Check display and sound
■ Check Input and Signal items.
(1) TV
(2) AV (SCART)
(3) COMPONENT (480i)
(4) RGB (PC : 1024 x 768 @ 60hz)
(5) HDMI
(6) PC Audio In
* Display and Sound check is executed by Remote
Not to push the INSTOP key after completion if the function
4. Total Assembly line process
4.1. White Balance adjustment
▪ W/B Equipment condition
CA210 : LED -> CH14, Test signal: Inner pattern(80IRE)
▪ Above 5 minutes H/run in the inner pattern. (“power on” key
of adjust remote control)
▪ If it is executed W/B adjustment in 2~3 minutes H/run, it is
adjusted by Target data.
(For OS LED / Direct LED module)
▪ Normal line
* Aging chamber
* Connecting picture of the measuring instrument
(On Automatic control)
Inside PATTERN is used when W/B is controlled. Connect to
auto controller or push Adjustment R/C P-ONLY → Enter the
mode of White-Balance, the pattern will come out.
FHD/HD Model 0001 01 00 Analog/Digital
Model name MODEL NAME(HEX)
LG TV 00 00 00 FC 00 4C 47 20 54 56 0A 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 (LG TV)
EDID C/S data
Check sum
Block 0 43 5C A4 A5
Block 1
25 (HDMI1) 5B (HDMI1)
15 (HDMI2) 4B (HDMI2)
05 (HDMI3) 3B (HDMI3)
Input Model name(HEX)
HDMI1 67030C001000801E
HDMI2 67030C002000801E
HDMI3 67030C003000801E
Input Model name(HEX)
HDMI1 67030C001000
HDMI2 67030C002000
HDMI3 67030C003000
Mode Temp Coordinate spec
Cool 13,000 K
X=0.269 (±0.002)
Y=0.273 (±0.002)
Medium 9,300 K
X=0.285 (±0.002)
Y=0.293 (±0.002)
Warm 6,500 K
X=0.313 (±0.002)
Y=0.329 (±0.002)
Aging time
Cool Medium Warm
X y x y x y
271 270 285 293 313 329
1 0-2 281 287 295 310 320 342
2 3-5 280 285 294 308 319 340
3 6-9 278 284 292 307 317 339
4 10-19 276 281 290 304 315 336
5 20-35 275 277 289 300 314 332
6 36-49 274 274 288 297 313 329
7 50-79 273 272 287 295 312 327
8 80-119 272 271 286 294 311 326
9 Over 120 271 270 285 293 310 325
Full White Pattern
TYPE : CA-210
RS-232C Communication
Aging time
Cool Medium Warm
X y x y x y
271 270 285 293 313 329
1 0-5 280 285 294 308 319 340
2 6-10 276 280 290 303 315 335
3 11-20 272 275 286 298 311 330
4 21-30 269 272 283 295 308 327
5 31-40 267 268 281 291 306 323
6 41-50 266 265 280 288 305 320
7 51-80 265 263 279 286 304 318
8 81-119 264 261 278 284 303 316
9 Over 120 264 260 278 283 303 315