You should begin to receive listings again within 24 hours.
You can correct them using Change Channel Display under the Setup menu.
Listings usually appear within 24 hours after a successful Setup.
It may take up to a week to fill the Listings grid with the full 8 days of listings.
If you see a Listings grid with the message "No Listings" displayed you should
start to receive updated program listings within 24 hours.
If the message "No data for this screen" is displayed:
- Check the connections between the TV, cable, antenna.
- Verify Setup information under Change System Settings.
- If this message is still displayed after multiple days, please contact the
Brand Customer Support.
Check the Schedule menu and verify that the show is listed as a reminder.
Check the Schedule menu and verify that the show is listed as a Reminder.
Highlight the show under Listings and do the following:
- Press the Menu key on the remote.
- Use the down arrow to highlight Edit Reminder, and press
- Verify the Auto-Tune option reads Yes.
The TV must be On at the scheduled time for Auto-Tune.
Check the Schedule menu and verify that the show is listed as a Reminder.
Highlight the show under Listings and do the following:
- Press the Menu key on the remote.
- Use the down arrow to highlight Edit Reminder, and press
- Verify the Power On TV option reads Yes.
My Guide listings disap-
peared after a power failure
I have not received any
Guide listings.
I set a show to Auto-Tune
and it did not.
I set a show with the Power
On TV option and it did not
A show I set to Remind
did not.
Some channel numbers
in the Guide are incorrect.
TThheerree iiss aa pprroobblleemm oonn tthhee TTVV GGuuiiddee OOnn SSccrreeeenn
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