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LGE Internal Use OnlyCopyright © LG Electronics. Inc. All rights reserved.
Only for training and service purposes
▪ Standard color coordinate and temperature using CA-210(CH 18)
4.2.7. EDGE LED White balance table
(1) EDGE LED module change color coordinate because of
aging time.
(2) Apply under the color coordinate table, for compensated
aging time.
(3) Normal line(47LA9600)
- Gumi (Mar ~ Dec) & Global
(4) Aging Chamber(47LA9600)
4.3. Local Dimming Function Check
Step 1) Turn on TV.
Step 2) At the Local Dimming mode, module Edge Backlight
moving right to left Back light of IOP module moving.
Step 3) Confirm the Local Dimming mode.
Step 4) Press "exit" key.
4.4. Magic Motion Remote control test
(1) Equipment : RF Remote control for test, IR-KEY-Code
Remote control for test
(2) You must confirm the battery power of RF-Remote control
before test(recommend that change the battery per every lot)
(3) Sequence (test)
1) if you select the "Start(Mute)" key on the Adjustment
remote control, you can pairing with the TV SET.
2) You can check the cursor on the TV Screen, when select
the "OK" key on the Adjustment remote control.
3) You must remove the pairing with the TV Set by select
"OK" key + "Mute" key on the Adjustment remote control
for 5 seconds.
4.5. 3D function test
(Pattern Generator MSHG-600, MSPG-6100[Support HDMI1.4])
* HDMI mode NO. 872 , pattern No.83
(1) Please input 3D test pattern like below.
(2) When 3D OSD appear automatically, then select OK key.
(3) Don't wear a 3D Glasses, check the picture like below.
Temp ∆uv
x y
Cool 0.271±0.002 0.270±0.002 13000K 0.0000
Medium 0.285±0.002 0.293±0.002 9300K 0.0000
Warm 0.310±0.002 0.325±0.002 6500K 0.0000
Cool Medium Warm
X y x y x y
271 270 285 293 313 329
1 0-2 285 297 299 320 322 349
2 3-5 284 295 298 318 321 347
3 6-9 283 293 297 316 320 345
4 10-19 281 289 295 312 318 341
5 20-35 278 284 292 307 315 336
6 36-49 275 279 289 302 312 331
7 50-79 273 275 287 298 310 327
8 80-119 272 272 286 295 309 324
9 Over 120 271 270 285 293 308 322
Cool Medium Warm
X y x y x y
271 270 285 293 313 329
1 0-5 281 291 295 314 318 343
2 6-10 277 286 291 309 314 338
3 11-20 274 279 288 302 311 331
4 21-30 269 271 283 294 306 323
5 31-40 267 268 281 291 304 320
6 41-50 265 265 279 288 302 317
7 51-80 263 262 277 285 300 314
8 81-119 261 259 275 282 298 311
9 Over 120 260 257 274 280 297 309