
Appendix A
Appendix E
EU Directives
European Union Directives
S The equipment is suitable for installation catagory 1 or 2.
S Only parts supplied by Automationdirect.com, or its agents should be
S The rating between all circuits in this product are rated as basic
insulation only, as appropriate for single fault conditions.
S It is the responsibility of the system designer to earth one side of all
control and power circuits, and to earth the braid of screened cables.
S This equipment must be properly installed while adhering to the
guidelines of the in house equipment installation manual DA–EU–M,
and the installation standards IEC 1000–5–1, IEC 1000–5–2 and IEC
S It is a requirement that this equipment must be housed in a protective
steel enclosure, which limits access to operators by a lock and power
breaker. If access is required by operators or untrained personnel, the
equipment must be installed inside an internal cover or secondary
S It should be noted that the safety requirements of the machinery
directive standard EN60204–1 state that all equipment power circuits
must be wired through isolation transformers or isolating power
supplies, and that one side of all AC or DC control circuits must be
S Both power input connections to the equipment must be separately
fused using 3 amp T type anti–surge fuses, and a transient suppressor
fitted to limit supply overvoltages.
S If this equipment is used in a manner not specified by the manufacturer
the protection provided by the equipment may be impaired.
S The D4–470 CMOS backup battery has a life of 7 years.
S With the equipment power supply turned off, use a vacuum cleaner to
remove dust from the power supply ventilation slots and the chassis
cooling fan as needed.
Items Specific to
the D4–470
Maintenance of
the D4–470