Conguration Options via Command Line (Cont.)
(Continued from previous page)
1. RF 58-1 <-- Slot #1
2. RF 58-2 <-- Slot #2
3. RF 59-1 <-- Slot #4
4. RF 59-2 <-- Slot #5
5. RF 60-1 <-- Slot #8
6. RF 60-2 <-- Slot #9
7. RF 61-1 <-- Slot #11
8. RF 61-2 <-- Slot #12
Do you wish to change the mapping of physical slots to
RF channels (y/n)?
3. To change the RF channel mapping, type y and press Enter.
Note: Type n and press Enter to return to the Main Menu prompt without changing the
channel mapping.
4. At the
Enter the mux input number [1 - 8] >
prompt, type the line number for
the channel you wish to reassign. Then, press Enter.
5. At the
Enter the slot number [1 - 12] >
prompt, type the slot number of the
transcoder card you wish to assign to the selected channel. Then, press Enter.
The system conrms the new assignment:
Set Cross point switch... OK!
and then redisplays the channel assignments along with the Main Menu prompt.
6. Repeat steps 2 to 5 to remap additional channels.
Reset Password for Reload PI Key GUI Option
Users who wish to reload a selected transcoder’s Pro:Idiom key from the GUI require a
password in order to do so. This option enables you to reset the Pro:Idiom password to its
default value (“service”).
Note: Users also have the ability to set a new password during the process of reloading the
Pro:Idiom key from the GUI (see “Change the [Reload Pro:Idiom Key] Password” on page 23).
1. Access the HCS6300 Main Menu as described on page 31.
2. At the
[Main] Command >
prompt, type rstpwd and press Enter.
3. At the
Reset password (y/n)?
prompt for conrmation, either:
• Type y and press Enter to reset the default password immediately. The system
conrms success (
Password reset ok
) and then redisplays the Main Menu prompt.
• Type n and press Enter to abort the password reset. The system displays conrmation
Password reset. Aborted!
) and then redisplays the Main Menu prompt.