
LGE Internal Use OnlyCopyright © 2008 LG Electronics. Inc. All right reserved.
Only for training and service purposes
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* After downloading, have to adjust TOOL OPTION again.
1) Push "IN-START" key in service remote controller
2) Select "Tool Option 1" and Punch in the number.(Each
model has their number.)
32LG5000-ZA : 8977
3) Completed selecting Tool option
3.1. ADC Process
(1) PC input ADC
1) Auto RGB Gain/Offset Adjustment
- Convert to PC in Input-source
- Signal equipment displays
Output Voltage : 700 mVp-p
Impress Resolution XGA (1024 x 768 @ 60Hz)
Model : 60 in Pattern Generator
Pattern : 65 in Pattern Generator (MSPG-925 Series)
- Adjust by commanding AUTO_COLOR_ADJUST.
2) Confirmation
- We confirm whether “0xAA (RGB)” address of
EEPROM “0xA2” is “0xAA” or not.
- If “0xAA (RGB)” address of EEPROM “0xA2” isn’t
“0xAA”, we adjust once more
- We can confirm the ADC values from “0xA4~0XA9
(RGB)” addresses in a page “0xA2”
* Manual ADC process using Service Remocon. After
enter Service Mode by pushing “ADJ” key,
execute “ADC Adjust” by pushing “
G” key at “ADC
1) Component Gain/Offset Adjustment
- Convert to Component in Input-source
- Signal equipment displays
Impress Resolution 480i
MODEL : 209 in Pattern Generator(480i Mode)
Pattern : 65 in Pattern Generator (MSPG-925 series)
Impress Resolution 1080i
Model : 223 in Pattern Generator(1080i Mode)
Pattern: 65 in Pattern Generator(MSPG-925 series)
- Adjust by commanding AUTO_COLOR_ADJUST.
2) Confirmation
- We confirm whether “0xB3 (480i)/0xBC (1080i)”
address of EEPROM “0xA2” is “0xAA” or not.
- If “0xB3 (480i)/0xBC(1080i)” address of EEPROM
“0xA2” isn’t “0xAA”, we adjust once more.
- We can confirm the ADC values from “0xAD~0XB2
(480i)/0XB6~BB (1080i)” addresses in a page “0xA2”.
* Manual ADC process using Service Remocon. After
enter Service Mode by pushing “ADJ” key, execute
“ADC Adjust” by pushing “
G” key at “ADC
Impress Resolution 480i
Impress Resolution 1080i
3.2. Function Check
(1) Check display and sound
- Check Input and Signal items. (cf. work instructions)
1) TV
3) COMPONENT (480i)
4) RGB (PC : 1024 x 768 @ 60hz)
6) PC Audio In
* Display and Sound check is executed by Remote
<Fig. 1> Adjustment pattern(PC)
<Fig. 1> Adjustment pattern(COMPONENT)