The ME43 fireplace is designed to work best
when fueled with seasoned cordwood. Hard-
woods are preferred to softwoods since the
energy content of wood is relative to its density.
Hardwoods will result in a longer burning fire
and less frequent refueling. A moisture con-
tent of 15% to 20% (seasoned) is preferred.
Excessively wet wood will be difficult to burn
and will result in lower efficiency and increased
Do not burn scrap or garbage, treated wood or
wood such as driftwood from the ocean which
has been exposed to salt or other chemicals.
Salt or chemicals can corrode the firebox and
chimney. Do not abuse the unit by burning
large amounts of paper, cardboard, Christmas
tree branches or building construction materi-
als such as pressed wood, plywood or lumber.
Intense firing with these may overheat the
fireplace, causing damage to the unit, a fire,
or even possibly igniting a chimney fire, if the
chimney is creosoted.
First Fires
The first 5 or 6 fires should be small fires of
short duration (about 30-60 minutes). The first
fire should be especially short. This will help
cure the refractory bricks. The first fires may
produce slight smoking and some odor due
to drying of the paint and steel and any dust
accumulated on the fireplace will be burn off at
this time. For this reason the room should be
well ventilated during the first few fires.
Building A Fire
To start a fire, place several crumpled up balls of
newspaper in the firebox. Place small dry pieces
of kindling on top of the paper, crisscrossing the
kindling so that there is airspaces in between.
Place the larger pieces of kindling on top of the
pile. Keep the fuel far back enough so that air
can get underneath. Open the air control fully
and light the newspaper. Once the kindling fire
is well established, cordwood can be added.
The unit will burn best with a minimum of two
pieces of cordwood spaced 1" to 2" apart and al-
lowing air to get under the fuel. Crisscrossing or
arranging the fuel so that air can get underneath,
will help the fire to get started easily.
Figure 2
The Lennox ME43 fireplace features retractable
doors and firescreens in order to allow a wider
view of the fire and save space when the doors
are opened. To retract the doors, simply open
them at 90° and push them into the opening
on the side of the firebox. The same procedure
applies for the retractable firescreens. (see
Figure 2
Note : Do not operate the fireplace with both fire-
screen and doors closed at the same time.
The outside air register is located on the upper
part of the top louver. The outside air register
supplies oxygen to the fire and allows control
of the fire when the doors are closed. The fresh
air must come from outside the house (the
air intake must not draw air from inside the
house). This will minimize negative pressure
in the house. The more you slide the register
to the left, the more fresh air into the firebox
and the more accelerated combustion you will
get (see Figure 3). When starting a fire, the
register should always be fully opened.
Please Read Before Installing:
1. Before beginning the installation of your
fireplace, read these safety tips and instal-
lation instructions carefully to be sure you
understand them completely. Failure to
follow them could cause a fireplace malfunc-
tion resulting in serious bodily injury and/or
property damage.
2. The ME43 fireplace has been tested and listed
to UL and ULC standards by Warnock Hersey
International Inc. These instructions were
written to give you an outline for a fast and
safe installation and trouble-free operation.
Figure 3