Using PCoIP Solution
Figure 2-8. Connection Management Configuration
Table 2-1 Connection Manager Method
Connection Management Tab
The Connection Management tab allows the
user to enable or disable the connection man-
agement and specify the connection manager's
IP address.
In a managed connection, an external Connection
Management Server can communicate with a device
to remotely control and configure the device. The
connection manager can also search for an ap-
propriate peer to connect to the device. Connection
Management significantly reduces the tasks of the
administrator in a large and complicated system.
Table 2-1 shows the configuration parameters that
can be used with one of the two methods. If an
incorrect IP address or DNS name is provided, an
OSD message is displayed prompting the adminis-
trator to correct the error.
The Connection Management parameters
can also be configured using the Webpage
Administration Interface.
Enable Connection Management
If the Enable Connection Management option is
enabled, the device can be controlled and config-
ured from an external connection manager.
Identify Connection Manager By
The Identify Connection Manager By selector al-
lows the administrator to decide whether to iden-
tify the connection manager by IP Address or by
FQDN. If Connection Management is disabled,
this field is not required and can therefore not be
Enable Event Log Notification
The Enable Event Log Notification field controls
whether the PCoIP host and the portal devices will
send their event log to the connection manage-
ment server.
Enable Diagnostic Log
The Enable Diagnostic Log field specifies whether
to log the connection management specific debug
message to the PCoIP host and to the portal de-
vices' event logs.