File sharing service
RSYNC (Remote Data Backup Service)
3. Alteration of Configuration for Remote Data Backup
4. Deletion of Remote Data Backup
To begin alteration of configuration for remote data backup, select a task to be altered
among those appearing on the screen and click ‘Edit’. After alteration is complete,
click ‘Save’ to save changes.
To delete a configured remote data backup task, make a selection on the screen and
select ‘Delete’
Complete Rsync-server configuration on target NAS and complete all Rsync-client
configurations on source NAS before selecting ‘Sync’. The machine may otherwise not
function correctly.
Deletion of a remote data backup task will not affect data that is already backed up.
Check settings appearing on screen and select a task. By selecting ‘Sync’, the remote
data backup service will begin and the progress percentage will be displayed. When the
remote data backup service is successfully completed, the progress percentage will show
100 and a completion message will appear.