Alarm and Faults
Table 8 Event messages
ID Alarm Message Description/Cause Action
001 S1 SCR SHORT One or more of the SCRs for Source 1 have shorted and failed. D, F, A, E
002 S2 SCR SHORT One or more of the SCRs for Source 2 have shorted and failed. D, F, A, E
003 S1 SCR OPEN One or more of the SCRs for Source 1 is open. D, F, A, E
004 S2 SCR OPEN One or more of the SCRs for Source 2 is open. D, F, A, E
A primary cooling fan has failed and the unit is now being
cooled by a secondary fan, which is not monitored.
D, A, E
006 CONTROL MODULE FAIL Control logic module has failed. D, A, E
007 PWR SPLY DC A FAIL Power supply DC bus A has failed. D, A, E
008 PWR SPLY DC B FAIL Power supply DC bus B has failed. D, A, E
009 PWR SPLY S1 AC FAIL Power supply Source 1 AC has failed. D, A, E
010 PWR SPLY S2 AC FAIL Power supply Source 2 AC has failed. D, A, E
011 PWR SPLY LOGIC FAIL A power supply module has failed. D, A, E
012 OUT VOLT SENSE FAIL The output volt sense module failed D, A, E
013 S1 VOLT SENSE FAIL The Source 1 volt sense module failed. D, A, E
014 S2 VOLT SENSE FAIL The Source 2 volt sense module failed. D, A, E
015 S1 SCR SENSE FAIL The Source 1 SCR sense module failed. D, A, E
016 S2 SCR SENSE FAIL The Source 2 SCR sense module failed. D, A, E
017 S1 CURR SENSE FAIL The Source 1 SCR current module failed. D, A, E
018 S2 CURR SENSE FAIL The Source 2 SCR current module failed. D, A, E
019 S1 GATE DRIVE FAIL The Source 1 gate drive module failed. D, A, E
020 S2 GATE DRIVE FAIL The Source 2 gate drive module failed. D, A, E
021 INTERNAL COMM FAIL Internal CAN communications failed. D, A, E
022 EXTERNAL COMM FAIL Options CAN communications failed. A, E
023 CB1 SHUNT TRIP FAIL CB1 shunt trip failed. A, E
024 CB2 SHUNT TRIP FAIL CB2 shunt trip failed. D, A, E
064 HEATSINK OVERTEMP Heatsink has exceeded the recommended temperature. A, E
067 S1 UV Source 1 under voltage, fast detection. A, E
068 S1 UV (RMS) Source 1 under voltage, slow detection. L, A, E
069 S1 OV Source 1 over voltage A, E
070 S1 OF/UF Source 1 over frequency/under frequency A, E
071 S1 FAIL Source 1 failure. A, E
072 S2 UV Source 2 under voltage, fast detection. A, E
073 S2 UV (RMS) Source 2 under voltage, slow detection. A, E
074 S2 OV Source 2 over voltage. A, E
075 S2 OF/UF Source 2 over frequency/under frequency. A, E
076 S2 FAIL Source 2 failure. A, E
077 S1 OVERCURRENT Source 1 over current. A, E
078 S2 OVERCURRENT Source 2 over current. A, E
079 S1 I-PEAK I-PK on Source 1. A, F, E
080 S2 I-PEAK I-PK on Source 2. A, F, E
081 SOURCES OUT OF SYNC Source 1 and Source 2 are out of synchronization. A, E
082 LOAD ON ALT SOURCE The output load is running on the alternate source. A, E
083 AUTO REXFER INHIBIT Automatic retransfer is inhibited. A, E
084 CB1 (S1) OPEN Source 1, Circuit Breaker 1 is open. A, E